Details of Research Projects(Economics)

Name of Faculty:
Title of Project:
Duration of project
Funded Amount
Funding Agency
Key achievements/ Highlights
Dr. P.S.Sasdhar
Quantitative Assessment of Socio-economic Impacts of Climate Change on Farmers. (Major Project)
24 months ( 2 years )
Project is ongoing
Climate change can exert significance social and economic impact on farmers.
Qualification of climatic impacts on profitability and resultant social changes is vital in understanding the agrarian crisis. A climate change event will affect not only the current crop but also subsequent crops over time.
The model could also be used to predict the dynamics of cropping loans and estimate the time for total default of farming unit.

Dr. Niranjan. R
1.Poverty and social inequality in Karnataka: A study of Hyderabad – Karnataka (HK) region.
2.Deciphering Regional Disparity among social groups: Political, Economic and Sociological Study of Hyderabad Karnataka (HK) region (As Co PI).

1.Poverty and social inequality in Karnataka: A study of Hyderabad – Karnataka (HK) region.
2.Deciphering Regional Disparity among social groups: Political, Economic and Sociological Study of Hyderabad Karnataka (HK) region (As Co PI).
3.Spatial Inequalities in human Development in Karnataka: A comparative study of taluks of HK region.
24 months Major and 12 months for Minor project
1. 6,00,000/ 2. 7,00,000/ 3. 50,000/
ICSSRNew-Delhi,UGC-URP and University of Mysore
All the projects are completed.