Details of Research Scholars(Computer Science)

Name of the Scholar
Title of the Thesis
Jyoti Kadadevaramath :
Investigation of some Neural Network and Machine Learning based techniques fo Image Processing.
Smitesh. D. Patravali :
Extraction of Tweets and Sentimental Analysis using Machine Learning.
Shobha. Y :
Algorithmic Analysis of Engineering Problems using Artificial Neural Network.
Renuka. S :
Artificial Neural Network for Solving Industrial Problems: An Algorithmic Approch.
Shilpa Patil :
Study on Deep Learning Techniques fo Text Classifications
Kumar Swamy K : :
A Study of Artificial Neural Network Algorithms to solve Real World Problems.
Poornima Hulipalled
Sentiment Analysis using different Learning Techniques
Aishwarya. M.P.
Machine Learning approaches for detecting plant diseases