Department of Studies in Chemistry

Department Of Chemistry

Department of studies in Chemistry was established in 2011. Department has 04 permanent faculty with a blend of young and experienced faculty and few faculty have international exposure. Department offers M.Sc. & Ph.D. programs. The intake of students for M.Sc. program is 50. In addition to Main campus, Chemistry program is also being offered at PG centre, Koppal. Department has adequate facilities in terms of ICT enabled classrooms, labs, instrumentation rooms, Library etc

Department regularly conducts seminars/workshops/conferences/Lecture series to acquire students with latest developments. Department has received DST-FIST-Level-I grant of Rs. 102 lakhs to improve the basic facilities. In addition, research projects are funded from DST, CSIR, VGST, KSTA of worth more than 120 lakhs to carry out research in the frontier areas like macrocycles for electrochemical sensors & alternate energy devices, nanoparticles and coordination complexes. DST has recently funded India-Ujbekistan collaborative project on Hydrogen energy production. Department is also acquiring few advanced instruments through donation process from industries. More than 30 students have been awarded Ph.D. degree & 25 more students are working for Ph.D. degree

Faculty have received awards like sir CV Raman Young Scientist award & Best publication award of Karnataka Government. Few alumnis are pursuing their Ph.D./ Post-Doc in abroad. Most of the students are well-placed either in industry or academia.


“Prepare Chemists to address social and global challenges.”


“Make Chemistry education attractive and accessible
creativity in teaching,learning and research of basic and applied chemistry.
To Enhance,enrich and empower scientific knownledge to meet the social needs.”

Details of Research Projects
Details of Research Scholars
Time Table

Dr. K. S. Lokesh

Department of Industrial Chemistry / Chemistry
Janana Sagara Campus
Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University
Bellary- 583105

:[email protected]

  08392 242905