Quotation Call for Supplying of Mementos to Karnataka Suvarna Sambhrama
Quotation Call for Supplying of Stage Decoration and Sound System for Karnataka Suvarna Sambhrama
Calling Quotations for 100 Desktop Computers
Calling Quotations for Fujifilm printer
Vacancy for the post of Guest Faculty
National Seminar Political Science 19.02.2025 & 20.02.2025
calling quotations for Drone Camera
Adv, for the post of guest faculty in Microbiology
1st year general girls hostel selection list
Selection list of Guest Faculty for the Academic year 2024-25
2024-25 SC-ST 1st year Girls Hostel Addmission Notification and Selection list
Estimation for OMR Sheets Scanning & Result Processing work
Calling Quotation for photo album
Calling estimations for answer booklet
July -2024 B.Ed 1st & 3rd semester final Time Table
2023-24 July-2024 B.Ed 1st & 3rd Semester Exam fees Notification
B.Ed July -2024 1st & 3rd semester Tentative Time Table
Calling Quotations for TDS return filing
A Felicitation Letter To Prof. K.V. Prasad , Prof. Hanumesh Vaidya and Dr. Ashwin Kumar
Calling quotations for vehicles hiring
Tentative Seniority List of Faculty Members
Calling estimations for UPS and Batteries
Short term tender for vehicles
Calling quotations for e- journals
Guest faculty notification computers science
Part Time Guest faculty notification political science
Guest faculty for computer science dept
Printing, Supply and Distribution of Answer Booklets- Tender Notification
Calling Quotation for stage arrangements
Calling Quotation for food supply
Calling Quotation for Badges and Certificates
2023-24 general Boys Hostel Admission Notification
Extension of Lastdate for affiliation 2024-25
2024-25 Girls hostel mess tender
Application form for PhD research scholars
Calling Estimation for stage rewuirements
Calling Estimation for stage rewuirements
Calling Estimation for food supply
Calling quotations for vehicles hiring
Inviting applications for guest faculty in political science dept
Calling estimations for Certificates, Badges, diaries and Banner
Calling quotations for chemicals and glassware
Calling quotations for Old news papers selling at VSKU library
Calling quotations for cartridges
Guest Faculty position in Dept of Physics
Inviting applications for guest faculty position in chemistry
Calling quotations for cctv setup
Calling quotations for micro weighing bridge
Calling quotations for data processing work
Requesting quotations for gas cylinders
multidisciplinary trends in social sciences first international conference
Ph.d entrance 2023-24 syllabus
B.Ed 2nd & 4th Semester Exam Final Time Table
B.Ed 2 & 4 sem Tentaive Time Table 2023-2
Call for quotations for binding work at VSK University ballary
Call for application for appointment of guest faculty for CMARF
Call for providing estimations for internetworking to various buildings in VSK University Ballari
2023-24 1st year General Girls Hostel Selection List
2023-24 SC-ST 1st year Boys Hostel Selection List
2023-24 1st year Hostel Admission Notification
2023-24 SC-ST 1st Year Girls Hostel Selection List
2nd year Hostel Admission Notification
2nd year General Girl’s Hostel Selection Lust
2nd year sc-st Girl’s Hostel selection list
Application for Admission to P.G Hostel
1st year Hostel Application Notification
29.09.2023 Exam Postpone circular
PG 2nd, 4th and 6th Sem Exam Notification-2023 (CBCS)
PG Exam 2nd and 4th Sem Notification-2023 (NEP)
Ph.d. Course work examination july 2023
B Ed I & III Semester Exam & Fees Notification 2023
Guest Faculty Application Notification
Guest Faculty Application Form
2023-24 Hostel Admission Notification
Quotation call for provision of special lunch
supplying and fixing of reinforced concrete chairs bench
PH.d admission notification 2023-24
Re- Notification for Hostel Admission 2023-24
Re- Notification Hostel admission 2023-24
PG 2nd sem Feee structure 2023-24
PG Admission I Year Fee Structure 2023-24
Last date to apply (through UUCMS) for PG admissions 2023-24 extended till 25.11.23
Boys Hostel Mess Tender Invitation (3rd Call)
PG Reconcilation Circular & Time Table 2022-23
supplying of sturlite 25W LED Street light
Notification Call for Estimation
sc-st Boys Hostel Mess Tender Invitation (4th Call)
Affiliation Notification 2023-24
Calling Quatation for VSK University Video Shoot
Renotification of canteen lease for 1 year
MCA 1st Semester (NEP) Final Time Table June-2023
MBA 1st Semester (NEP) Final Time Table June-2023
fee for phd course work and last date for submitting application for june-july 2023
PG Exam Revised Final Time Table April-May-2023
11th Revised Convocation Notification 2023
2022-23 1st Year SC-ST Girls Hostel Selection List
2022-23 1st Year General Girls Hostel Selection List
Hostel Admission circular- 2022-23
2022-23 1st Year Boys Hostel Selection List
B.Ed 2 & 4 Semesters Exam Centers List_2023
B.Ed Final Theory Examination Time Table Jan-2023
requesting quotations for a one-year canteen lease.
Inviting Quotations For Supplying and Fixing of Glass Boards
Modified Pratical Clusters Exam Center
modified B.Ed 4th Semester Exam Fee Notification
B.Ed 1 Semeater (NEP) Revaluation Notification
modified B.Ed 4th Semester Exam Fee Notification
B.Ed 1 Semeater (NEP) Revaluation Notification
Mcom admissions seat Allotment
Allotment of M.Com.seats for the rank of 101to 400 on 06-12-2022 at 9.30 AM.
M.Com Provisional Merit List 2022-23
I Semester Repeaters and III Semesters Revaluation Notification – 2022
Pg 2nd & 4th Sem Exam Center List Sept/Oct -2022
II Sem NEP Final Time Table Sept/Oct-2022
Revised PG I III V Semester Calendar of Event 2022_221202_180329
2022-23 SC-ST 2nd Year Girls Hostel Selection List
2022-23 Hostels Administration Circular
2022-23 SC-ST 2nd year Boys Hostel Selection List
2022-23 2nd Year General Girls Hostel Selection List
PG admission fee structure 2022-23 updated
PG Admissions Last date Extension 19.11.22
Pg admissions last date extension
2022-23 P G Hostel Admission Application
2022-23 PG Hostel Admission Notification
PG Admission Notification 2022-23
inviting tenders for Mess facility to girls hostel in VSKU Ballari
Click here to register for CONIAPS
XXVIII International Conference Of International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS-Brochure)
Advertisement for the Position of Technical Staff
Guest faculty application 2022-23
Guest faculty 2022-23 Notifaction
Final Key Answers – PhD Entrance exam
call for quotation for the Barcode Printer and other accessories for exam section.
Revised list of applicants History, Commerce, Economics
PhD applicants- Eligible-exempted-rejected 2021-22
PhD entrance exam Notification
PhD applicants- Eligible-exempted-rejected 2021-22
PhD entrance exam Notification
Registration Form for Post Graduate Alumni Meet – 2022
Online Affiliation Link 2022-23
Affiliation Notification 2022-23
II Sem Modified NEP Exam Fee Notification
PG Tentative Time Table for 2, 3, 4 & 5 Semester Sept/Oct-2022
PG 2nd, 4th, 6th & 3rd Semester Fee Notification September/October-2022
Modified Final Time Table for UG Examination Aug/Sept-2022
UG Exam Centre List of August-Sept-2022
UG Admission_Application_2022-23
Ph.D Admission Notification 2021-22
vacancy position for phd economics
B.Ed Final I & III Semesters Theory Examination Time Table
UG Fee Notification of 2nd Sem Repeaters, 4th & 6th Sem Regular/Repeaters & 5th Sem Repeaters
B.Ed Examination I & III Semesters Tentative Time table
B.Ed I & III Semesters Fees Notification
VSKUB 10th Convocation Modified Notification
VSKUB 10th Convocation Notification
PG Revaluation Fee Notification March-April 2022
PG II IV & VI Sem Revised Calendar of Events 2021-22
Supply of Track Suit, T-shirt and Shorts Call-2.
Call For Quotations for SEC Lab
Tender Notification VSKUB/ADM/Zoology 2021-22
Tender notification call 02 DEO
B.Ed 2 Semester Revaluation Notification March-2022
VSKUB 1st Sem UG (NEP) Examination Time Table- May- 2022
VSKUB 1st Sem UG (NEP) Examination Centres List- May- 2022
B.Ed 4th Semester Revaluation Notification March-2022
Revised PG Time Table for kannada March/April-2022
Revised PG Time Table for Sociology March/April-2022
Final Time Table for PG Examinations March/April – 2022
UG Examination Center List For March/April-2022 ( I/III/V Semester )
B.Ed Theory Examination Time Table For II Sem IV Sem April-2022